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Autor Téma: 2-bedroom flat to rent in Luxembourg/Merl  (Přečteno 16801 krát)

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Příspěvků: 3

« : Listopad 19, 2010, 01:16:43 pm »

Two-bedroom flat to rent in Luxembourg Merl. The flat is composed of 2 bedrooms, living room, fully equipped kitchen, bathroom, second toilet, garage, cellar and laundry room with washing machine. It comes unfurnished but you could take over my furniture.

Very convenient location with bus stop (direct line to Kirchberg), grocery, park, school, playground, pharmacy etc in the surroundings.

Monthly rent is 1100 euros + charges 150. No agency fee. Available from 13th December.

If interested, please call +352 691219692 or email dusankriska[zavináč]yahoo.com.
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